CRI Advantage is proud to announce that we are now a Shared Assessments member.

Shared Assessments

What is Shared Assessments?

Shared Assessments is a member-driven organization delivering secure and resilient third-party partnerships. They have harnessed the collective intelligence of the world’s top risk management experts to create an industry-leading Standardized Information Gathering (SIG) Questionnaire. The most recognized third-party risk certification.

What This Means for CRI’s Customers

Quickly and Easily Access Risk

We know that conducting a risk assessment of vendors is critical to your business. Especially when vendors interact with key business functions or sensitive data. It is not always easy to manage and report on vendor risk, but you can feel confident working with CRI Advantage as the process is streamlined. We can easily provide you with our completed 2022 SIG, a standardized third-party risk assessment, saving you time and money.

A Standardized Process

Using the Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) Toolkit allows CRI to perform a self-assessment and use the Standard Information Gathering (SIG) Questionnaire to evaluate CRI vendors. Through the Shared Assessments membership, annual updates to the TPRM and SIG align with the ever-changing risk environment and priorities.

Shared Assessments Membership

As members of Shared Assessments, CRI has access to committees and working groups.

Membership also includes:

Feel Secure Working with CRI

CRI is now a part of a community of national and international industry leaders and risk management professionals whose thought leadership has collectively brought Shared Assessments to the forefront of third-party risk management practices.

Interested in CRI or Shared Assessments?

You can contact CRI directly with any questions here or by calling 208.343.9192. If you would like to contact Shared Assessments, you can visit their website or call 505.466.6434.