6 Steps to Retiring Your Legacy ITSM System


Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@glenncarstenspeters?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Glenn Carstens-Peters</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/keyboard-vs-typewriter?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, IT Service Management (ITSM) is more important than ever. The problem is old and inefficient ITSM processes. Your business is struggling to scale your IT based on the needs of their growing business. This is costing you money and providing a bad reputation both with end-users and management.

A modern ITSM platform will mitigate risk, reduce cost, provide visibility across the platform, facilitate self-service, and cut down user end time. If you’re considering retiring your legacy system, we’ve developed a 6 step process to help make your transition to a modern ITSM system that much easier.

6 Steps to Retiring Your Legacy ITSM System

  1. Consider the long term plan for your business and IT department

What are the strategic plans of the business and IT department? Think about automation, flexibility/agility. Look into what is working, what is not, what processes could be improved.

  1. Look at the cost of your current ITSM system, plus maintenance and overheads of using it (TCO)

Look at the true cost of ownership over time. There will be direct and indirect costs associated with the system and its inefficiencies. According to a study on the cost of maintaining legacy systems in the United States, “Ten of the government’s legacy systems cost about $337 million a year to operate and maintain. Legacy systems can cost any organization up to a 15% budget increase every year for maintenance.”

  1. Evaluate your legacy system and alternatives (analysis of alternatives AoA) and get a good understanding of its data and features and functions

Does your existing system fulfill a business need, is it a mission-critical system? Consider what your data is, where it lives, and what formats it takes. Compare and evaluate your existing system and the alternatives on the market.

  1. Make a business decision about the best ITSM option

Have you considered the end goal and gathered relevant information to support the end goal? 

Make a decision on your next platform having considered the business needs and the platforms that support that. Is ServiceNow the right choice for you?

  1. Implement the solution

One of the last steps is to implement your solution. You’ll want to implement the initial offering using as much out-of-the-box functionality as possible. Migrating your existing data will be the defining step in this process.

  1. Continually improve

Finally, watch your productivity and efficiency increase with your new modern ITSM platform. Although, retiring your legacy system won’t be an overnight operation. You’ll want to continually monitor your new processes and adapt the platform to match and grow with your business needs. It will be an ongoing process, but you can rest easy knowing your old, outdated legacy system is now a thing of the past.

Legacy platforms combined with old and inefficient processes mean that IT services struggle to scale as your business grows. At CRI Advantage we transform your IT service management, modernizing your processes and enabling your support staff to spend more time working on more complex and proactive issues.

Here’s how we do it –

Step 1: Contact Us with us

Step 2: Review your business needs and reveal the possible

Step 3: Agree and implement a transformation plan

Step 4: Watch your continuous productivity improvements